Monday, November 17, 2008


Clinicals have been very busy lately. I am getting lots of experience and learning many different exams. I am getting very used to running the scanner and working independently. I have been able to do exams from start to finish with minimal help. The different protocols in CT are still very hard to learn. Every doctor has a different protocol and every exam has a specific way that it has to be done. I have been seeing lots of extremity work and countless sinuses. I have been enjoying all of it. Recently, I saw an interesting abdomen/pelvis with contrast case. The patient was female in her 60's with several health problems. The patients kidneys did not pick up any contrast during the exam. It seemed strange that the kidneys would be completely void of contrast. I then noticed that the patient had an additional functioning kidney in her RLQ. This kidney was full of contrast and seemed to be the only functioning kidney the patient had. I was unable to find out the specifics of her case. I do not know if the patient just had an extra kidney from birth, or if she had a kidney transplant with her existing kidneys remaining. It was very interesting and I was surprised to see an extra kidney inside a patient.

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